Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Don’t let the frosty temperatures of February fool you. Summer, and the oppressive heat it brings, is on the way. To prepare, check out these top ten things you need to know about air conditioning.

Change the filters

Imagine you lived in one of those countries where the pollution is so bad that residents wear masks outdoors so they can breathe better. Now imagine the difference between breathing through a surgical mask and breathing through a pillow. That will give you a basic idea of the extra work your air conditioner must exert to cool your home when the filter is not changed regularly and becomes clogged.

Air ducts affect air quality

If you have central air conditioning, somewhere in your home is something that looks like a vent but isn’t. Instead of blowing cool air, it takes in air from your home in order to cool it and blow it out through the actual vents. Unfortunately, air is not all it takes in. Pet hair, dust and lint are small enough to flow through and then sit idle in the air ducts. Over time, humidity combines with these particles and can produce mold, too. Keeping your air ducts clean improves the overall quality of the air in your home, because if it’s in your ducts, it will wind up in your sinuses and lungs.


A programmable thermostat can help you to prevent overworking your air conditioner when you’re away from home. Setting the temperature to a slightly warmer setting while you are away during the day and programming it to cool off just before you anticipate returning home keeps you comfortable and your energy bill tolerable.


Just like your car, your air conditioner needs regular maintenance to prolong its life and prevent costly repairs. A Cedar Park AC audit before the summer temperatures reach their peak will prepare your unit for the work you expect it to do.

Climate differences

If you happen to live in an arid climate, you may not have central air conditioning. Many homes in dryer areas are equipped with swamp coolers or attic fans, both of which operate differently than central AC units. Learn which type of cooling system you have and what makes it cool most efficiently.

Energy efficiency

Not all air conditioners are the same. In fact, the government wants to encourage you to upgrade your old unit and it willing to give you a tax credit to do so. In addition to a tax credit, an energy efficient rated air conditioner will save money on your monthly energy bill, too. To learn more about the specifications of energy-efficient portable air conditioners visit this website:

Insulation matters

Normally, people think of insulation relating more to winter weather and keeping the home warmth. But insulation actually keeps the outdoor temperature and the indoor temperature separate from each other. Cool air escapes the same way warm air does. Proper insulation reduces air conditioning effort, too.

Plug leaks

Similarly, air leaks around window units, in ductwork or in the attic should be plugged to keep the cool air in and the hot air out during the summer.

Leave elbow room for compressor and condenser

Central air conditioners have compressors and condensers outside on a concrete slab. It is important to keep the area around them clear of shrubs, branches, leaves and debris. For optimal functioning of the compressor and condenser, leave 24 inches on all sides clear.

Help your AC help you

Keep blinds closed during the day to prevent the sun from heating your home. Do what you can to shield your home from the south sun. Use ceiling fans to subsidize the cooling of your air conditioner. And leave the interior doors of your home open so the air can circulate properly. These small changes make a big difference to how much effort your air conditioner exerts to keep your cool on hot days.

Tiffany Marshall is a freelance writer and native Texan who has learned to appreciate a well-running air conditioner over the years. She writes on behalf of Blue Air AC, your source for air conditioning repair Round Rock.

In order to learn more about the things and the safety measures that are necessary to know about air conditioning visit this website: